Saturday, November 14, 2009

Crossan lectures

Got back from the Dom Crossan lectures a few hours ago. They were interesting. I had a hard time staying focused. I don't do well trying to listen to people for long periods of time if I don't have something to distract me. In this way, and others, my child-like nature manifests. But, he's adorable. His little wise-crack jokes and funny voices. I certainly have a renewed respect for him. And I now know more about Jesus and Paul.

At the Friday lecture, I looked through the UCC's hymnal. It was the same one they had at the Archwood UCC, which contains my new found favorite hymn- Take My Gifts. I also thought it was interesting that they changed Christmas songs. "Hark the herald angels sing, glory to the Christ-child bring," instead of "to the new born King," and the like. But, the word Lord was still used? It bothered Katelynn, she says Christmas songs are sacred and shouldn't be messed with. I see both sides. Anyway, I found some hymns I think would be appropriate for Scope to use in our service in the spring. I really hope that pans out. I kind of want to do the message, but I don't really know how to go about doing that... I have no idea what I would say.

Scope is going stories of creation this week, I remember when we did that first year! We talked about Genesis...perhaps this time incorporating a few world religions would be nice. I should probably get on that. We're also going to do a thing on religious persecution for the MLK week tunnel of oppression or whatever it's actually called. Ellen proposed the idea...I think contacting MESA (Middle Eastern Student Alliance) might be apropos. I am pretty excited for that and I am trying to cook up an idea for next semester. I kind of want to do a serious interfaith component where every other week we do a focus on a world religion, or an aspect of that, and how we can look at it from a Progressive (Pluralistic) Christian lens. I don't know if the rest of the eboard would be down, but it's an idea. Do a few events, and then LTQ every other week.

I enjoy UCC churches. But.. at the Archwood UCC last Sunday, I realized I miss the atmosphere of my old church. Take My Gifts is such an up-beat dancey hymn and everyone just stood there... In my church, they would have danced or just moved around and someone would have had a tambourine. Is there a Progressive church like that?? Haha. I still want to check out a UU service. Scope needs to go to a service! We haven't done a church visit yet this year.

Anyway.. my mom gets Body + Soul magazine and I happen to really enjoy it, along with having some great recipes, it also has helpful hints, and good ideas for taking care of yourself. At the end of this month's issue was this list

10 Thoughts on Whole Living

1. Allow yourself the chance to really savor each moment

2. Optimism isn't just a shift in perspective, it's an act of bravery

3. ONly you can decide the path worth taking

4. Don't wait for your mood to change; take action despite it

5. Approach gift shopping as an opportunity to honor the people you really love

6. Rather than search for a single miracle food, strive for a varied and delicious diet

7. You can't grow without pushing your limits

8. Stop worrying about getting sick; focus on your health instead

9. Don't believe what you hear- Life is good

10. No one (B.N.-not even God!)* knows what the future will bring. Put your energy into now.

I like it.

That's all for now..

*B.N. = Blogger's Note ;)

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