Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I believe

For many of Alan's classes, he assigns a credo. Unfortunately for me, I have not had one of those classes yet.

I really want to write one. My lame attempt for now will be this list... A list of things I believe and a list of things I don't believe

I believe...

in: soul/self
the golden rule
we are interconnected
the power of compassion
Community is pivotal
No one religion is "correct"
free will
tikkun olam
anam cara
we are "created"
science and religion can work together
in evolution
ethics: no mind-altering substances
no lies
no adultery
no killing
children are innocent

I do not believe...
in Hell
Jesus "died" for our sins
in sin/original sin
the cloud of unknowing
an interfering God
an angry punishing God
in absolutes
that God is omnipotent


  1. Hey Rachael...I don't know if people really tend to comment here, so I hope I am not intruding. I just wanted to say that this is a great way to reflect and work through your religious/spiritual ponderings. is funny, because I decided to create and "I believe" list during advent, except mine consists of a bunch of note cards on my wall. It is a helpful start.:)


  2. commenting is great! I guess I just don't really publicize that I write this lol

    I want to write a credo, but am afraid I don't know how... so I have my list, I don't know if it works either because there are explanations for each item.
