Wednesday, August 19, 2009


|ˈmôrəl; ˈmär-|

2 ( morals) a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do : the corruption of public morals.
• standards of behavior that are considered good or acceptable : they believe addicts have no morals and cannot be trusted.

morality |məˈralətē; mô-|
noun ( pl. -ties)
principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.
• behavior as it is affected by the observation of these principles : the past few years have seen a sharp decline in morality.
• a particular system of values and principles of conduct, esp. one held by a specified person or society : a bourgeois morality.
• the extent to which an action is right or wrong : behind all the arguments lies the issue of the morality of the possession of nuclear weapons.
• behavior or qualities judged to be good : they saw the morality of equal pay.
See note at goodness .
ORIGIN late Middle English : from Old French moralite or late Latin moralitas, from Latin moralis (see moral ).

I feel like so many people my age, older and younger as well, have no idea about their morals. They live empty, hollow lives doing whatever they want without a second thought. I know I get caught up in doing this as well. We don't understand the consequences of our actions.

Enter Process theology.

I am really buying into it now.

Our actions, and experiences, get rolled into God- and so God experiences what we do- our actions and or choices also provide what God has to work with. God can only provide us with all the options- Good bad and in the middle. It is our choice to respond to God's lure to good. The our choice decides the options for the next moment. In this sense, morals and moral actions are highly important.

Think about it for awhile.

Think about what you're doing to God and the whole world.

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