Saturday, August 15, 2009


I might have mentioned it before, but, something that I miss the most about going to church on a regular basis is the community aspect. Granted, it's been 7 years since I have had that in my life- and I have, to a certain extent, gotten used to it. With Scope, I have regained that somewhat, but Scope isn't necessarily a spiritual experience. We have good talks sometimes, and there are great people- but it isn't the same setting.

That being said, I have been looking for a religious community to get involved with for awhile. I am leaning towards Unitarian Universalism for many reasons. I at least want to check it out. I don't know that I could find anything close to what I am looking for elsewhere. Unless I continued on my own, which would defeat the purpose.

I guess a congregation meets at BW, in Kulas, on Sunday's... which I didn't know until I searched the interwebs for near-by UU churches. There is one in West Lake and one in Akron, so Berea is a better bet, especially if I move up there.

I also can't go to chapel with year, as I have to work on Thursdays now =( For the second time- if I move up there, I could go every other Thursday and then head to work around 1 after service. I really do enjoy John's sermons.

Searching is just as good as finding I think- all about the journey not the destination, right? I know I could use the support net, especially of people who are open, and believers. I am getting tired of the hatin' coming from my friends in the form of anti-religious sentiment and I need people who understand- and not just the people in my department either, but others. It's hard to explain.

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