Friday, December 18, 2009


I am procrastinating on going to my grandma's tonight. She wants me to come over to help her bake cookies. I am skeptical. She hasn't called me all day though, so maybe she forgot? Is it bad that I hope she did? Probably. Speaking of grandparents, my grandpa loves to send out crazy email forwards. They're so ridiculous I've asked him to stop sending them to me a few times- he doesn't listen. But anyway, the other day he sent out this forward about the real reason for the season (I hate that phrase...) and lah-de-dah. I drafted a response that said "Jesus was actually, probably, born in March." I haven't sent it, and I probably won't because it would turn into a giant battle. A battle that I have come to realize is inevitable. I had to laugh because one of the characters on Bones pointed this out in last weeks episode Daisy responded to a Christmas dinner invite by saying "If it's in March, I will come to a Christmas dinner..." or something. I might just be a little disgruntled because I hate Delilah, she's a DJ on 102.1 and she's sooooo stupid and ignorant it drives me crazy and her voice! Ah. But yeah, I just... Christmas is not about Jesus for me and hasn't been...I know that I would have said he was at some point, but never REALLY was what it was about. It's about family. But, really... and what I think frustrates me the most is that the early Christian church said Jesus was born in December so friggin close to the Winter Solstice aka Candlemas or Saturnalia to help persuade "pagans" into accepting their tradition, as a means of appeasing them. Most of what I cherish, and what most people actually cherish about the holiday season can be linked to those celebrations. Not to mention the other factors. It's's narrow. It's insanely narrow. Christmas isn't the only holiday that happens right now, Christianity isn't the only religion that finds this time of year to have some significance.

I can't get over the frustration either. Every year it drives me nuts. I don't know how people deny so many things.

That all being said- I am no Scrooge. No Grinch. I love this season, this holiday is only second to Halloween for me. I love decorating and the whole insanity that is Christmas preparation. I love decorating trees (we have 4!) and lights, and gifts! And all the food and cookies.

I guess I don't think that someone's birth is really as important as what they do with the time they are given (if you can place this quote, I will bake you 2 dozen cookies, cyberspace). I don't think Jesus was really born of a virgin under a massive star that people followed....and I don't think it's really important when he was born, or where, but what made Jesus important was his message and how much he responded to the Divine lure. I find it interesting that Christianity doesn't really have a holiday just for God.

In the spirit of Christmas cheer, I guess I will go to my gram's now and make her freaking cookies. And maybe help her wrap some gifts. She'll make me spend the night...and will drive me crazy; but she's family, and that's what this season is all about for me. (Friends too, but they're family anyway in my book!!!!) (I also love this season cause all of my old friends come home! But I do miss my college ones...why can't I have both?) (Isn't that always my question? I'm greedy)

Oh! And before I go, I've sketched out at least 10 paintings and written 4 new poems and the start of s short story since break started- novelty! Creativity! Yay for answering the creative, divine lure!


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I believe

For many of Alan's classes, he assigns a credo. Unfortunately for me, I have not had one of those classes yet.

I really want to write one. My lame attempt for now will be this list... A list of things I believe and a list of things I don't believe

I believe...

in: soul/self
the golden rule
we are interconnected
the power of compassion
Community is pivotal
No one religion is "correct"
free will
tikkun olam
anam cara
we are "created"
science and religion can work together
in evolution
ethics: no mind-altering substances
no lies
no adultery
no killing
children are innocent

I do not believe...
in Hell
Jesus "died" for our sins
in sin/original sin
the cloud of unknowing
an interfering God
an angry punishing God
in absolutes
that God is omnipotent