Wednesday, December 5, 2012

You should take time out of your day to read this "Truth is one, the wise call it by many names," Swami Vivekananda

Saturday, November 24, 2012

I haven't been here in awhile... honestly, "spirituality" hasn't been on my mind as of late. After graduating and not being immersed in studying religion, my contemplation on it fell to the wayside. My laptop also crashed back in October of last year and while we lived in Springfield we didn't have a computer, just a tablet... and to blog blog I feel like sitting down at a computer is almost necessary for me. Anyway... recently, my little brother has started going to church. I'd be against it because it's much too conservative for my liking, but I think the community aspect of it will be helpful for him. It does worry me, though, because I know how much church can warp a young persons mind. I have admitted before that I am biased because I felt the church I attended as a young person had a very negative affect on me. I don't think my brother deserves that experience, that kind of guilt and shame. Coming to these conclusions about my brother, I realized that these are the things I most dislike about the way we try to enact religion. Guilt. Shame. Fear. It seems very counter productive, and yet it seems to be the modus operandi for most churches/theologies that I have encountered... mainstream/conservative, that is. Honestly, I think it's bullshit. As soon as I type or think those words, however, conversations with the Chaplain at my college come to mind... conversations about "feel good Christianity" and how it is also pointless for people to simply go to church for a pick me up. It seems to me that both conclusions have merit. I don't think the point of life is to live under the cloud of fear, shame, and guilt and I also do not think the point of life is to partake in activities for shallow, hallow reasons. How do you effectively live a life of purpose and meaning? How do you find a community of people where you can get a meaningful church going experience when your theology is way off the wall... when you don't regularly partake in spiritual activities? I am plagued by these questions now... I have, for a long time, considered finding a liberal church where I could go and possibly find what I no longer have since leaving BW and Scope... but the only church that might work in town seems really uninspired (having read the sermons online... just the most uninspired, boring, rote, trite stuff ever) and though they are a Congregational UCC, nothing on their website talks about their philosophy etc. I have felt a tug to go to a UCC church in Brunswick, where I attended preschool, recently, every time I drive past it. I want to check it out, but that's a far drive from here (however, I do usually go out to that area every Sunday to visit with family) Ah... how confusing this always is. Anyways... if you read this, I ask for prayers and Light for the above stuff and for some health issues I have been facing recently. Pax, Rachael